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    TF2 is good
    Results | View All | Comments
    Total 680
    Wins 573 (84.26%)
    Draws 50 (7.35%)
    Losses 57 (8.38%)
    Caps Made 110261
    Caps Against   31948
    Highest   680:70 vs [LoG]

    Current 50
    Winning 50
    Losing 3
    Random Quote
    [13:58] [LordDW[away]] you ever tried eating orange peel with toothpaste?[13:58] [Afx] lol[13:59] [Afx] no....have you[13:59] [LordDW[away]] No I'm gonna do it now I think[13:59] [LordDW[away]] I read it could get you high ;P
    soz its a bit late but none of us could be arsed :x<br><br>[ Edited by Afx at 25 Jan, 2002 (21:14:12) ]
          Posted by Afx | View Comments (4) | Views: 15738 | New Comments: 4

    No news for a while so ill post summink i reckon...
    /me looks around for somethin interestin...Wellllllll we just had our 270th win which was against DA in the first game of a new UKTFCL season(lets see if we can get OUR trophy back from those DW SKUM :p the fact theyve won it more than us is unimportant ;p),Also after a bit of a dodgy spell weve put a few wins together and peeped above that 80% win mark,be nice if we can keep it there ;)
    Cant think of anythin else,Thanks for bothering to read this borin shite :D
          Posted by Afx | View Comments (5) | Views: 21503 | New Comments: 5

                       New PHP code
    wellllllll lately ive been working on some new php as my skillz have improved :)
    In a week or something im gonna upload the new webby ( same layout but very differant colours extra new stuff ) !!!
    be prepared pals
          Posted by Lifeless | View Comments (16) | Views: 54770 | New Comments: 16

                       THA NUUS IN BREEF
    No ones posted news for ages so here goes!
    ETFCL goin ok and we have SSK in the knockstages so GL to everyone who plays. If we get past SSK we will have DW, then UE, and then Lf, so our names practically written on the trophy.
    UKTFCL Cup is going strong with us winning our group. The highlight was a very close game with the up and coming stars Sf. We were 20-0 on sd2 but changed tactics and won it 20-30 with some lucky moves.
    My cable is still bent so im going to be inactive for the forseeable future. We got some welsh dood on trial, more news if he gets in ;E.

    HAPPY NOW????
          Posted by Eat | View Comments (8) | Views: 27532 | New Comments: 8

                       My first avi!

    Well, now that AVIs have gotten pretty popular i decided to make one myself.
    Its not from matches 'cause i dont have the HD space to break a 30 min demo into bmp files.

    Res: 512x384
    Lenght: 57 secs
    Filesize: 8,2MB zipped
    Music: Slipknot - Gently

    Also, i know that Undz has recorded some absolutely amazing concs that Eat is making into an AVI atm.

    [ Edited by <a href=members.php?info=yes&nick=LordDW>LordDW</a> - January 02, 2002 (17:09:15) ]
          Posted by LordDW | View Comments (30) | Views: 91882 | New Comments: 30

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