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    TF2 is good
    Results | View All | Comments
    Total 680
    Wins 573 (84.26%)
    Draws 50 (7.35%)
    Losses 57 (8.38%)
    Caps Made 110261
    Caps Against   31948
    Highest   680:70 vs [LoG]

    Current 50
    Winning 50
    Losing 3
    Random Quote
    [23:23] [Life] i cant fight the head-chicken nemore ;/ hes too powerfull
    At the risk of pre-empting him I think Lifey has gotten the column script up and running (or at least I just managed to put up and delete a test column anyway). Great addition to the site so expect to hear something from me in the near future. I think there will be a comments system attached to them (much like for the news) to make sure you are responsible for what you write.

    If I ever stoop so low as to write (in bad English) about what I got up to with my mates at the weekend whilst underage drinking then please feel free to shoot me.
          Posted by Revz | View Comments (6) | Views: 21581 | New Comments: 6

                       Website st0000ff
    Lifeys been begging me to add some news so i guess i'd better :P
    Hes added a few new features lately like links to logalyzer stats on the match reports..Which ill try to keep doing :) And today he added some nice little pop up things he undoubtedly nicked from someone elses site(thieving cloggy homo ;D )..he says its free code though so we'll let him off :x,If you hover over any of the maps on the match reports you get a run down on our record on that particular map..pretty kewl eh :}
    Also at Revz request theres gonna be column thing soon so he can write his essays there rather than on the UKTFCL forum :]
    Even though your an annoying dutch spaz we love you lifey :x
          Posted by Afx | View Comments (17) | Views: 54753 | New Comments: 17

    [RATM] - old BC member Fu's cs clan came fourth in a tourney at a lan in notts behing NoC and 4D..Got a few pics of Wlz and Eat who went along;E
    <a href=http://clans.morat.net/ratm/wgctrip.htm target=_blank>Picz here</a>
    rofl @ Wlz lookin like hes just took a dose of horse tranquilizers on the top photo,And Eat lookin as alert as ever ;E
          Posted by Afx | View Comments (9) | Views: 31045 | New Comments: 9

    Been logging our last two matches and as well as using the logalyzer ive been running aestats on them too,As much as possible im gonna try and keep a running total from all our games.
    Obviously itll be biased towards =BC= players as we'll show up more often,But who cares ;p
    Heres some <a href=http://www.body-count.org/server/AEstats.html target=_blank>AEstats</a> from our TGC and SLH games.
    I still havnt got everything sorted so some of the stats arent working properly but its still kinda interesting ;E

    [ Edited by <a href=members.php?info=yes&nick=Afx>Afx</a> - October 27, 2001 (01:17:12) ]
          Posted by Afx | View Comments (3) | Views: 12880 | New Comments: 3

                       UKTFCL cup trophy
    Here is our lovely UKTFCL Higher Cup trophy as created by Malignant (many thanks for it :p).

    <center><img src="http://www.body-count.org/images/cup-higher.jpg"></center>

    [ Edited by <a href=members.php?info=yes&nick=Afx>Afx</a> - October 25, 2001 (13:07:01) ]
          Posted by Revz | View Comments (4) | Views: 15653 | New Comments: 4

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